NDUSBCA News Archive


FAQ Advice from USBC National Organization on issues relating to COVID-19 outbreak in USA:

The official prize list for the NDUSBCA “OPEN” Tournament is now posted for viewing.  Please see the Adult tournaments page (https://www.ndusbca.org/northern-de-adult-tournaments/), or Events Calendar.(

The NDUSBCA Open meeting was held 21-April-2024 at Bowlerama Lanes.  General, Financial, and individual Working Committee reports on the state of the organization were presented to those in attendance.  Elections were held for several positions to serve a two year term starting 01-August-2024 covering the 2024-2026 bowling seasons.  (Positions voted on and filled were Vice President, and 5 Board of Director positions).  The updated board members listing will be posted on this website in August aligned to the new bowling season.
*** Congratulations to David Greback, who won a free sanction for the 2024-2025 season in a random draw of the fifteen non-board members in attendance at the meeting.
*** We thank all who attended the Open Meeting, and invite those interested to bring another voice to the association to apply for a position on the ‘Advisory Committee’.  This is a small group of people outside of the board who can bring perspectives and ‘voice’ on important topics for our bowling community.  For information on this committee and to apply, please contact Steff DiMartine (Association President) via email at: NDUSBCA@gmail.com

Congratulations to Matt Bogia who rolled his first 300 during the DE State Youth Top 15 Tournament today at Mid-County Lanes.  It was the second game of a four game set totaling 1038 on games of:  243 – 300 – 242 – 253    Fantastic bowling Matt !

The current standings / unofficial results for the NDUSBCA “OPEN” Tournament are now available. Please see the Adult tournaments page (https://www.ndusbca.org/northern-de-adult-tournaments/), or Events Calendar.(https://www.ndusbca.org/events/)


*** Attend the meeting and be entered for a raffle to obtain your 2024-2025 USBC sanction paid by your local association ! ***
*** April 21, at Bowlerama meeting room, 1:00 PM

The entry form for the NDUSBCA “Shamrock” Mixed Doubles Tournament on St. Patrick’s Day is now available. Get your Irish on and enjoy a day of fun competition.  Please see the Adult tournaments page (https://www.ndusbca.org/northern-de-adult-tournaments/), or Events Calendar.( https://www.ndusbca.org/events/)

The entry form for the Barracuda Baker Youth Tournament is now available.  Please see the Youth tournaments page, (https://www.ndusbca.org/northern-de-youth-tournaments/) or Events Calendar.

The entry form for the NDUSBCA Open Tournament in mid-March is now available.  Please see the Adult tournaments page (https://www.ndusbca.org/northern-de-adult-tournaments/), or Events Calendar.( https://www.ndusbca.org/events/)

The entry form for the NDUSBCA Women’s Doubles tournament in late January is now available.  Please see the Adult tournaments page (https://www.ndusbca.org/northern-de-adult-tournaments/), or Events Calendar.( https://www.ndusbca.org/events/)

Final Results from the NDUSBCA Youth Tournament are now available, and have been added to the Youth Tournament page.
Congratulations to all receiving Scholarship money which will be entered into their USBC Smart Fund Account.
All Events winners will receive a paid entry into a DE State Youth event of their choice.

Welcome to the 2023-24 bowling season !
We hope you have enjoyed the summer, and for those that have continued to bowl through the summer we hope have enjoyed the cool indoors of your local center.
Within the various section of this website you can find updated information for the 2023-24 season such as current NDUSBCA Board Directors, Sanction Fees, and planned Tournament information for both Adult and Youth events.
You can also find information on which Directors are your current Bowling Center Representative to the NDUSBCA Board, who can be contacted with questions/concerns.
Information on tournaments for the 2023-24 season will be updated from tentative to confirmed as they are developed.
Forms for League Secretaries are posted on the “Forms” tab pages, and updates will continue as new documents are available.

Congratulations to Andrew Snellings on rolling his very first sanctioned 300 game! This momentous event occurred at Pleasant Hill Lanes this day in the Tuesday Ball League.  Way to go Andrew !

The Northern Delaware USBCA Open Meeting was conducted on Sunday May 21st at Bowlerama Lanes.  Thank you to all who attended and participated in elections of officers, and voting on a few other matters on the board agenda.  Several officers were re-elected to new two year terms, and a new officer was elected to fill a vacant position. Tentative dates for NDUSBCA Youth and Adult tournaments were discussed, and will be posted on the tournament pages.  Dates are subject to change based on bowling center availability.   Please continue to check the website for updates on this matter.

The Northern Delaware USBCA Open Meeting we will held Sunday May 21st at Bowlerama Lanes.  The meeting will start at 1 PM and will be open to all NDUSBCA bowlers and prospective members for next season.  In the meeting will be a report on the status of the organization, and elections of officers and director positions that will start on August 1, 2023.
* There will be two officer positions open for election / re-election starting August 1st:  (President and Sergeant-at-Arms)
* There will be six director positions open for election / re-election starting August 1st. (General Board Director)
* The application form is posted on the NDUSBCA Forms page:  https://www.ndusbca.org/forms/

The final standings and prize funding lists for the Northern Delaware USBCA Open Championship Tournament has been posted.  See the Adult tournament page or the calendar of events for the results.

The top 15 qualifiers for the State Youth tournament have been posted.  See the Youth tournament page or the calendar of events.  If you are on the December 2022 or March 2023 you qualify to enter.  The entry form link is available for you in both webpages.

The Northern Delaware USBCA Open Championship Tournament continued today, and in the first squad the big bowler of the day, competing in a team event, was Rick Barchock posting a 769 series on games of 214-298-257.  It took Rick a few frames to figure out the lane pair pattern and close the first game with the last 6 strikes before opening the second with the first 11 strikes for 17 in a row !   Great bowling Rick !

The Northern Delaware USBCA Open Championship Tournament started off with a bang today.  In the first game of the first squad, Sara Weimer opened the tournament with a 300 game, burying 12 perfect shots, and posting a 728 series in the team event.  Jordan Busch also came out high flying in the opening squad team event posting a 782 series on games of 254-241-287, while Alan Hirst bowling the opening squad in doubles also posted a 278 game.  In the second shift, Sara Weimer bowling doubles maintained a hot hand rolling a 725 series including a 277 opening game.

The entry form has now been posted for the ’22-’23 season Northern Delaware USBCA Open Championship Tournament which will be contested at Pleasant Hill Lanes on February 18, 25, 26
(2023).  Information has been posted to the Adult Tournament webpage and event calendar.   (** Amended on 13-January-2023, removing Feb 19th from tournament squad date options.)

5-December (Update)
The updated entry form has now been posted for the ’22-’23 season Northern Delaware USBCA Women’s Doubles Tournament which was postponed to
June 3, 10 & 11 (2023) at Bowlerama.  Information has been posted to the Adult Tournament webpage and event calendar.  

1-December (Update)
The ’22-’23 season Northern Delaware USBCA Women’s Doubles Tournament is being postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. 
This year’s tournament will now be contested June 3, 10 & 11 (2023) at Bowlerama.  The doubles format this year is a variation from a trios event contested in the previous few years.  We hope you enjoy the doubles format providing an opportunity for more teams to be formed.  Information has been posted to the Adult Tournament webpage and event calendar.  The updated Entry form will be posted when available. 

The ’22-’23 season Northern Delaware USBCA Women’s Doubles Tournament takes place this December.  I
nformation has been posted to the Adult Tournament webpage and event calendar, along with the Entry form.  This year’s tournament will be contested Dec 3, 10 & 11 at Bowlerama.  The doubles format this year is a variation from a trios event contested in the previous few years.  We hope you enjoy the doubles format providing an opportunity for more teams to be formed.  

18-October (Update)
New this year! The inaugural Northern Delaware USBCA Youth “PeeWee” Singles Bumper Bowling Tournament!…  I
nformation has been posted to the Youth Tournament webpage and event calendar, along with the Entry form.  This year’s tournament will be contested the weekends of Nov 12-13 & 19-20 at Bowlerama at the same time as the standard Singles, Double, and Trios events announced previously.

The Northern Delaware USBCA Youth Tournament information has been posted to the Youth Tournament webpage, along with the Entry form.  This year’s tournament will be contested the weekends of Nov 12-13 & 19-20 at Bowlerama.  Events will be Singles, Doubles, and new this year a Trios Team format (replacing the former four or five person team format used in prior years). *Note that the Delaware State Youth tournaments in early 2023 have also moved to a Trios Team format, along with the standard Singles and Doubles.  We hope that the new Trios Team format will lead to more team entries for increased competition in both Northern Delaware and Delaware State youth events.

Congratulations to Matt Bogia in the Bowlero Youth Seniors, with his new high game of 290 this morning.  Great shooting Matt !

How’s this for a “Welcome to the 2022-23 bowling season !?”
Congratulations to Randy Eggars who tonight decided to “Welcome” in the bowling season at Bowlerama by opening up with back to back 300 games !  He finished off the night with a not too shabby 256, for a 1st week Monday night league series of 856 = 300 + 300 + 256
That’s going to be hard to top in Week 2 Randy !


Welcome to the 2022-23 bowling season !   We hope you have enjoyed the summer, and for those that have continued to bowl through the summer we hope have enjoyed the cool indoors of your local center.
Within the various section of this website you can find updated information for the 2022-23 season NDUSBCA Directors and Sanction Fees for this season.   We will be updating the center representatives assignments after the first meeting of the new board of directors this month.   
Information on tournaments for the 2022-23 season will be posted as they are developed.
Forms for League Secretaries are posted on the “Forms” tab pages, and updates will continue as new documents are available.

1)  ** The NDUSBCA Open Meeting was conducted today, and we very much appreciate the attendance of NDUSBCA members beyond the current Board of Directors.  Your voices are important to the ongoing development of our organization to better serve the Northern Delaware bowling community.   We would also like to thank those that stepped up and volunteered to serve on the Board of Directors for the coming season.  Welcome to the team !   The Board of Directors page will be update accordingly to reflect the new additions, as well as those that were re-elected.
2)  ** Note that effective August 1, 2022, you will no longer be able clean a bowling ball with alcohol during any competition (leagues, tournaments, etc.).  The temporary rule enacted by USBC during the health pandemic is being eliminated, and a return to the prior rules not allowing balls to cleaned or treated with anything during competition.  In the event of a ball getting a foreign substance on it during play, you must seek approval from your league or tournament officers to have the ball cleaned in the local pro shop or by another approved third party with access to allowable cleaners for use in this type protocol situation.
3)  ** Note that effective August 1, 2022, all competition returns to bowling on adjacent lanes of a pair, as was standard before the health pandemic temporary rule allowing head to head competition on different pairs of lane.


** Please note that the NDUSBCA Open Meeting will be held on Sunday July 24th, at Bowlerama Lanes, in the meeting room at the high end of the house.  Meeting starts at 2 PM.  Doors open at 1:30 PM.   All NDUSBCA members are invited and encouraged to attend this meeting.

** Please note that the NDUSBCA Ladies Trio tournament and the NDUSBCA Open Championship tournament have both been rescheduled now.  These will be held  in June 2022.  Please visit the Adult Tournament page for more information or the calendar of events.   https://www.ndusbca.org/northern-de-adult-tournaments/

*** Please note that the Winter Fun Scotch Doubles adult tournament scheduled for Feb 13th is being postponed due to an unexpected circumstance.  We plan to reschedule this tournament to a new date.  New event timing will be posted when confirmed.   (* Update 15-April-2022:  this tournament will be skipped for the 2021-2022 season, and will be scheduled again in the 2022-2023 season.) 

*** Please note the new mask mandates for indoor activities including bowling, signed by Gov. Carney of Delaware, effective 11-January-2022:   https://news.delaware.gov/2022/01/10/governor-carney-signs-universal-indoor-mask-mandate/

*** The December 1st eligibility list for the Youth Top 15 tournament has been released.  All bowlers on this list are eligible to participate.  Entry forms can be found on the Youth Tournaments page of the DSUSBCA website.

The eligibility list is also posted here for convenience.  2021 Top 15 December List

*** Unfortunately the NDUSBCA Youth Team tournament scheduled for Dec 11 & 12, has been cancelled.  Please contact your local bowling center Youth Director with any questions. 

*** A “No Tap” fundraising tournament open to all adults, will be held on Oct 31st at Bowlerama.  Proceeds will go to supporting medical expenses of the J. Elder Family.   Have fun with friends for a great cause in support of a long time local bowler.  Entry forms are accessible in the Adult Tournament section of this website as well as the Event calendar. 

*** NDUSBCA Adult and Youth tournaments for the 2021-22 season are now posted.  Please see the Tournament pages for more information and/or the Event Calendar.

Rule changes effective Aug. 1, 2021
*** A new addition to Rule 16 in the USBC General Playing Rules, which limits adult membership to individuals 18 and older and creates a clear line between USBC Youth and USBC Adult membership.

*** A modification to USBC Rule 113c, Interrupted Game/Series, now will allow a league officer to authorize practice if a team needs to change lanes or if there is an extended period of time to fix a breakdown.

Please see the attached “Rules Extra” bulletin from USBC this week.  It has some good information with respect to leagues, and in particular one issue to remind all leagues is the structure of their officers relationship restrictions.  July 2021 Week 1


2021 – 2022 Season:

Board Officers

  • President – Steff DiMartine – re-elected until 31-July-2023
  • Vice President – Jeff Benson – appointed until 31-July 2022 (* Note 2)
  • Sergeant at Arms – Tom Smiga – elected until 31-July-2023
  • – – –
  • Non-Voting roles:
    Association Manager – Sherrill Mullenix – appointed until 31-July-2022 (* Note 2)
    Youth Coordinator – Laura Marino – appointed until 31-July–2022 (* Note 2)

Board Members

  • Director – Aaron Bey – appointed through 31-July 2023
  • Director – Sharon Bey – elected through 31-July-2022
  • Director – Connie Callahan – elected through 31-July-2023
  • Director – Norm Grinnage – elected through 31-July-2022
  • Director – Laura Marino – elected through 31-July 2022
  • Director – Scott Marks – re-elected through 31-July-2023
  • Director – Sherrill Mullenix – re-elected through 31-July-2023
  • Director – Bonnie Smith – elected through 31-July-2023
  • Director – Joe Sparks – re-elected through 31-July-2023
  • Director – *See Note 1*
  • * Note 1:  Vacancies will remain open until Spring 2022 elections, unless the Board President appoints directors for need of functionality, prior to the open election period.
  • * Note 2:  Association Manager and Youth Coordinator are appointed positions, not elected positions.
  • * Note 3:  Jeff Benson was appointed to complete the term of Sherrill Mullenix who resigned as VP to accept appointment as Association Manager.  Aaron Bey was appointed to fill an open director position following the general open meeting of June 2021.  These back-fill appointments are in accordance with USBC rules.

External Advisory Committee

  • Position available for 2021-22 season — contact a Board Officer listed above if interested
  • Position available for 2021-22 season — contact a Board Officer listed above if interested
  • *** Additional members to be added as needed

We apologize for the inconvenience.  Due technical problems the Zoom link for the meeting is inactive.  The meeting is proceeding with all who are now attending in person.

*** IMPORTANT NOTICE:   The NDUSBCA annual “OPEN Meeting” will be conducted on June 6th at 1:30 PM.
Location: Bowlerama for attendance in person, or you can this year optionally attend via ZOOM meeting linkage. 

Join the Zoom meeting with one click via this link: